[Wang] Soy Bean / 왕 메주콩 (4lb)

[Wang] Soy Bean / 왕 메주콩 (4lb)

Regular price $ 7.49
왕 메주 콩 4LB Wang Soy Bean 메주콩 효능 -메주콩(백태)은 ‘살이 찌지 않는 치즈’로 불릴 정도로 뛰어난 영양효과와 다양한 효능을 갖고 있다고 합니다. -메주콩에는 양질의 단백질과 지방, 천연의 항산화 물질과
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    왕 메주 콩 4LB Wang Soy Bean 메주콩 효능 -메주콩(백태)은 ‘살이 찌지 않는 치즈’로 불릴 정도로 뛰어난 영양효과와 다양한 효능을 갖고 있다고 합니다. -메주콩에는 양질의 단백질과 지방, 천연의 항산화 물질과 노화방지, 스태미나를 촉진하는 토코페롤을 비롯해 비타민류와 칼슘, 칼륨, 철, 셀레늄 등의 미네랄이 풍부하다고 합니다. 된장 등으로 발효시켜 섭취하면 영양성분 공급효과가 몇 배로 늘어난다고 합니다.

    Soybeans have been used in various ways on their own and also combined with fermented products to be used as seasonings or side dishes. According to some sources, the use of soybeans in Korea dates back to B.C. Currently, more research is being conducted on soybeans, and the benefits of fermented soybean products are coming to light.

    Fermented products are going beyond the boundaries of their use as mere side dishes, and are seeing significant increases in their use as a functional food. Kanjang (fermented soy sauce), Doenjang (fermented soybean paste), and Gochujang (fermented red pepper paste) are the most well-known fermented products in Korea. These products occupy an important place in people's daily lives as seasonings and are used in many side dishes. It has been proven through clinical studies that these products have many health benefits, such as their ability to fight cancer and diabetes, and to prevent obesity and constipation.

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33.9783C10.5971 34.8318 8.09615 36.3369 6.01671 38.4169C0.596573 43.8365 -0.78533 52.1026 2.57802 58.9858C2.90466 59.6549 3.71231 59.9326 4.3814 59.6054C5.05101 59.2782 5.32813 58.4706 5.00149 57.8015C2.14391 51.953 3.31823 44.9297 7.92388 40.3241C10.8041 37.4438 14.6332 35.8575 18.7062 35.8575C22.7792 35.8575 26.6083 37.4438 29.4885 40.3241C32.3682 43.2038 33.9546 47.0329 33.9546 51.1059C33.9546 55.1789 32.3682 59.008 29.488 61.8882C24.8824 66.4938 17.859 67.6682 12.0106 64.8106C11.3415 64.4834 10.5338 64.7611 10.2072 65.4301C9.88004 66.0998 10.1572 66.9074 10.8268 67.234C13.334 68.4595 16.0241 69.0548 18.6946 69.0548C23.3535 69.0543 27.9502 67.2409 31.3957 63.7954C32.9757 62.2154 34.2243 60.3925 35.1078 58.411L40.9194 61.6021C41.1217 61.7133 41.3451 61.7686 41.5685 61.7686C41.7918 61.7686 42.0158 61.7133 42.2175 61.6021L69.1117 46.8348C69.5432 46.5977 69.8113 46.1446 69.8113 45.6525V36.2795C69.8113 35.5346 69.2076 34.9308 68.4626 34.9308C67.7177 34.9308 67.1139 35.5346 67.1139 36.2795V44.8544L42.9214 58.1387V31.6807L50.9057 27.2963V34.2464C50.9057 34.7238 51.1575 35.1652 51.5679 35.4076C51.7797 35.5325 52.0168 35.5951 52.2544 35.5951C52.4778 35.5951 52.7017 35.5398 52.9045 35.4281L58.6676 32.256C59.0986 32.0189 59.3657 31.5664 59.3657 31.0749V22.6507L67.1139 18.3964V25.4903C67.1139 26.2353 67.7177 26.8391 68.4626 26.8391C69.2076 26.8391 69.8113 26.2353 69.8113 25.4903V16.1173C69.8113 15.6252 69.5432 15.1716 69.1117 14.9351ZM41.5685 2.88781L65.6604 16.1173L58.0607 20.2904L33.9688 7.06092L41.5685 2.88781ZM41.5685 29.3463L17.4766 16.1173L25.3549 11.7909L49.4474 25.0199L41.5685 29.3463ZM52.2491 23.4815L28.1572 10.2525L31.1665 8.59982L55.2589 21.8288L52.2491 23.4815ZM31.3957 38.4169C28.006 35.0272 23.4994 33.1606 18.7062 33.1606C17.7995 33.1606 16.9039 33.2275 16.0235 33.3587V18.3964L40.2245 31.6855V58.1434L36.024 55.8369C36.4376 54.3143 36.6515 52.7264 36.6515 51.1059C36.6515 46.3127 34.7849 41.8061 31.3957 38.4169ZM56.6688 30.2777L53.6031 31.9652V25.8154L56.6688 24.1321V30.2777Z" fill="#3BB77E">


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